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Sunday, January 27, 2013

100th Day of School

Dear Families,

The 100th Day of School is fast approaching! We will have a celebration in our classroom on Friday, February 1st.

As part of our celebration, I am asking each student to create a poster displaying 100 items. He/she may use a standard sized poster (or a creative way to represent 100 items). The display may have drawn on or glued on items. If the items are glued on, please make sure they are securely glued on the board.

The display may contain a variety of objects/drawings or all of the same item. I will take a photo of each student holding his/her 100th Day Poster.

Here are some poster ideas:
A flower with 100 pom-poms used to create it
A grid display with ten items in each of ten boxes 100 stickers
100 things your child likes about school
100 words
100 letters

These are just ideas. Encourage your child to be creative! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Cute Picture

The kids enjoying indoor recess!  It's going to be cold for the next few days!!

POA Scores

I have finally sent home your child's POA scores from December.  You should have received them today in your child's backpack- they are on a yellow piece of paper.  Please contact me if you have any questions. :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ideas for Spelling Words

This site has tons of activities to try at home to practice the spelling words.  We will be trying some of these in class as well!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jury Duty

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your patience through my service of Jury Duty.  If I had a choice, I would be at school with my amazing class.  Luckily, I am approaching the final month of my service.  Here's hoping that I don't get selected for any trials in February!!

Report Cards

It's hard to believe that we are half way through the school year!  I'm in the process of working on the second quarter report cards.  If you have any questions, or would like to meet to discuss your child's progress, please let me know!  I would happily meet with you at your convenience.

First Grade Word Wall

On Friday I sent home a First Grade Word Wall.  The words on the list are words that your child will need to be able to spell by the end of the year (many of the words will be included on the May assessments).  We will also be working on the words in class.

Please let me know if you didn't receive the Word Wall and I'll send another home with your child.

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Penguin Videos

Fairbanks Museum

We will be visiting the Fairbanks Museum next Wednesday, January 9th in the afternoon.


We are going to be learning about penguins this month.  I will be posting activities that you can try at home.  Here's a link to a penguin puzzle.
