A Note from Mrs. Francke:
Happy October!! It’s time for Elementary Guidance Groups. Because participation in these groups tends to be popular, I will be prioritizing participation for those who have not yet participated and by parent and teacher referral information. Students who have participated before can still sign up but may not be able to fit in this time. I have enlisted some assistance from others on staff to be able to offer a variety of options to our students. If your child is not able to fit into his or her first choice, know that we will do our best to accommodate them next time. On the back of this sheet I have listed the small groups that will be offered this session along with objectives for each. If you feel your student has a particular area that needs support or reinforcement, please feel free to sign them up for a group. Only students with signed parental permission may participate in groups. Group size and make-up will vary and groups will meet for 6-8 weeks. It is important for me to understand your goals for the children in these groups so please communicate them to me on the bottom of this sheet. We look forward to working with the students and learning together! If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 684-3651. Groups will begin next week and times may vary depending on student/teacher/staff person schedules.
Suzanne Francke, Elementary School Counselor
Options for Groups (please choose at least one)
______ Play Group: Offered for K-1
Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to share, take turns, use appropriate words to communicate, to make conversation, and to move and play in a safe and appropriate manner.
______ Operation: Breaking the Girl Code - Girls in Grades 3-6
Objectives: Students learn friendship and communication skills, experience strength and leadership skills, and build self-esteem and awareness through a variety of experiences in a small group setting.
______ Operation: Breaking the Boy Code - Boys in Grades 3-6
Objectives: Students learn friendship and communication skills, learn about gender differences and strengths, and build self-esteem and awareness through a variety of experiences in a small group setting.
______ Self Control and Management of Me: Offered for students in K-6.
Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and communicate feelings appropriately, to identify emotional triggers, to identify physical feelings and how they affect us, to problem solve, to develop strategies to work out problems before they become bigger and reduce stress.
______ Friendship Group: Offered for students in Grades 1-6
Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and display friendly behaviors, how to include others, how to initiate and respond to others in conversation, and to problem solve when faced with friendship challenges. Groups may be formed to address specific issues as well.
______ Super Stars: Offered for students in grades 1-6.
Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate with others using appropriate eye contact and physical gestures; to look at the face and body language of others and use these cues to interact, to self-monitor their own communication both physically and verbally, and to understand the three main components of communication – words, body language, and voice/tone. The theme and focus of this group will be around being powerful in an assertive vs. aggressive way.
______ Stress-Free Me: Offered for any student in grades K-6
Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate their worries and fears in an appropriate way; to learn signals in their body that can relate to worry and stress; to learn coping skills; and to understand that everyone has worries or fears at some point. The theme and focus of this group will be around developing healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for worriers or children with anxiety.
______ Creative Storytelling: Offered for students in 3/4
Objectives: Students will be encouraged to create their own stories and to share them with others through one or more of the following media: digital storytelling with Photostory3, Online comix creators, drawing, drama, and puppetry. This is an enrichment program for students who would benefit from an extra challenge through teacher and parent input. 45 minute sessions will be offered.
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